Steeples and pews and stained glass and fountains do not a church make. The church of Jesus Christ is not made of concrete, wood, and stone. In fact, the church has nothing to do with physical structures at all. The true church of our Lord is being constructed with people—people who have placed their faith in Jesus, been born again by the Holy Spirit, and baptized into the body of Christ. The Church is a fellowship of believers who worship together, pray together, work together, and encourage one another to faithfulness and service.
Being an active member of a local church is essential to becoming all God has created and called you to be, and to fulfilling your destiny and purpose in life. But there are so many churches—so many choices. How can one find the "perfect church?"
People choose to attend different churches for various reasons. Some are drawn to a particular ministry because they ascribe to a certain doctrine or observe certain traditions. Others base their decision on a preferred style of worship or preaching, the children’s or youth ministry, or a particular form of church government. Whatever the reason, most folks are usually looking for a place where they can be encouraged in their faith, connect with other believers, and serve and grow in the Lord.
I’m sure you realize that, this side of Heaven, you'll never find "the perfect church"--that is, a place where all the members always agree with one another, never offend one another, and never have any problems. If that's the place you're looking for, you might as well give up the search. There are no perfect churches because every church is made up of imperfect people. That said, I really do believe there is a perfect church for you—a place where God wants you to be planted, grow, and serve.
In a day and time when many believers have given up on church, I see the need now, more than ever, for God's people to be part of a local church body. I have much more to say about this, but for the moment, let me simply pray that you find the "perfect church" for you. Membership really does have its benefits!
think on these things...
"The church is not a society of the successful. It is a fellowship of the forgiven." --Robert Munger
"Churchgoers are like coals in a fire. When they cling together they keep the flame aglow; when they separate they die out." --Billy Graham
"At a deep level I sense that church contains something I desperately need. Whenever I abandon church for a time, I find that I am the one who suffers. My faith fades, and the crusty shell of lovelessness grows over me again. I grow colder rather than hotter. And so my journeys away from church have always circled back inside." --Philip Yancey
"And He put all things under His feet, and gave Him to be head over all things to the church, which is His body, the fullness of Him who fills all in all."
--Ephesians 1:22,23
"The perfect church is not on this earth. The most spiritual church is sure to have in it some who are still bothered by the flesh. An old Italian proverb says, 'He that will have none but a perfect brother must resign himself to remain brotherless.' However earnestly we may desire that our Christian brother go on toward perfection, we must accept him as he is and learn to get along with him. --A.W. Tozer
"And let us not neglect our meeting together, as some people do, but encourage and warn each other, especially now that the day of his coming back again is drawing near." --Hebrews 10:25 (NLT)
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